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The World's Waste Will Feed The Poor (The WWWFTP) has a Vision to utilise ALL waste to:
  •  Teach skills
  •  Create Jobs 
  •  Mentor young unemployed, budding entrepreneurs to form sustainable Mini-Businesses. 
This all started with a Vision the Founder had in the late 1990's. 
What makes The WWWFTP unique is that we do NOT only concentrate on re-cycling but also on Re-Purposing and Re-Using what others throw away or waste. 

For example: The unemployed can be taught welding skills using old metal cutoffs.
Organic farmers can be taught how to make Group 2 fertilizer from manure using earthworm castings. One can use throw-away glass to teach someone glassblowing skills and glass product manufacturing, etc.

The WWWFTP's core values are to make a HUGE difference in the lives of the disadvantaged and less privileged but at the same time to clean up the environment.

Would it not be incredible if our magnificent country could once again look like those areas in the video. and that we could visit our beautiful country's sites in safety?